Questions and AnswersFrom the
Feb 7, 2025
Business Development, Farmland, Real Estate, Finance, Accounting, Lending
Good morning. This past week I ran across two very different EBITDA calculations. I would ask your thoughts on their use.
Business Development
+ 2
Business Development
Finance, Accounting
+ 2
Feb 7, 2025
Field Crops, Row Crops, Regenerative
Has anyone had any experience with using biological seed treatments and successfully reduced nitrogen and phosphorus use in wheat? If so, have you been successful in maintaining yield or increasing yields?
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 1
Field Crops, Row Crops
Feb 5, 2025
Aerators, AGvisorPRO, Business Development, Cages, Carbon, Commodity Marketing, Crop Handling Equipment, Crop Protection, Developers, Drones, Farm Wellness, Farmland, Real Estate, Fertili...
Hi All, I am posting this on behalf of the Lower Mainland Horticultural Improvement Association, a non profit in British Columbia in which I sit on the board of. We are in the process of writing a grant for advancing Recruitment, Retention and Upskill training in BC agriculture sector. I wanted to reach out to the Agvisor Pro network to leverage the talent on the network for two purposes; 1. Generate a list of topics that others are seeing as barriers or educational deficiencies in these three areas 2. See if any consultants, trainers or others might me interested in collaborating on the project. Such as presenting in person or online training which are already made or developing the training. Our deadline is Feb 14. Here is the link to the funding grant we are applying to with the guidelines Feel free to post questions or reach out directly for more details. Looking forward to the discussions!
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
+ 36
Feb 5, 2025
Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops
What are people seeing with the use of Humic products? What products are showing results?
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
+ 1
Feb 3, 2025
Crop Protection
25 years ago when we first started using Invigor seed it was recommended to tank mix a group one with Liberty to sharpen grass weed control. It was said then that tank mixing group 10 and 1 would not increase the risk of group resistant wild oats. Is that still the case today?
Crop Protection
Crop Protection
Jan 31, 2025
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops, Forage Crops, Seeding, Fert, Irrigation, Sprayers
What are the best practices/tips for melting and foliar applying urea on corn and small grains.
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
+ 3
Jan 31, 2025
Cattle Production
How to get a calf to nurse on a cow
Cattle Production
Cattle Production
Jan 30, 2025
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
Is there a AI Agronomy platform available that is up to date
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
Jan 27, 2025
Seeding, Fert, Irrigation, Sprayers
What is the fastest (gpm) poly pump and motor setup you have found to outfit on spray trailer and liquid fertilizer trailers?
+ 1
Seeding, Fert, Irrigation
Jan 25, 2025
Aerators, AGvisorPRO, Business Development, Cages, Carbon, Commodity Marketing, Crop Handling Equipment, Crop Protection, Developers, Drones, Farm Wellness, Farmland, Real Estate, Fertili...
What are your thoughts on AI in ag?? If you could use your smartphone snap photos if your crops and instantly diagnose diseases, pests, fungus, and weeds (using AI); would this be useful to you? What would it take for you to trust crop recommendations coming from an AI system?
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
+ 36
Jan 23, 2025
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops
Have naturally very high potassium levels in our soils. Band about 4 gallons of kts (12.2lbs) with our corn for a little supplementation. Tissue levels seem adequate most of the year but just go back and forth on if adding more in form of 0-0-60 would gain us anything
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 1
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
Jan 18, 2025
Harvest Equipment, IT, GPS, Monitors, Precision Ag, Data Management, Seeding, Fert, Irrigation
I know of an expert in Precision Ag, Agriculture, economy, and robotics, looking for work. If you have something in mind, please DM me.
IT, GPS, Monitors
+ 2
IT, GPS, Monitors
Precision Ag, Data Management
+ 2
Jan 18, 2025
Crop Handling Equipment, Harvest Equipment, Seeding, Fert, Irrigation, Sprayers, Tillage, Tractors
This week at a conference, I ran into a gentleman who has a whole bunch of old parts for Oliver equipment and cock shot equipment and I’m wondering if this would be useful for you guys to hear about? How many of you are looking for old parts and what would you suggest about me connecting with that?
Harvest Equipment
+ 2
Harvest Equipment
Crop Handling Equipment
+ 4
Jan 16, 2025
Business Development, Field Crops, Row Crops, Finance, Accounting, IT, GPS, Monitors, Precision Ag, Data Management, Regenerative, Startups and Scale ups, Tractors
Any video game developers amongst this ag crowd or have friends and family in that world? I am trying to build a mod for the Farming Simulator video game and would like to have someone that has both video game development experience plus some knowledge of production agriculture. Thanks
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
IT, GPS, Monitors
+ 6
Jan 16, 2025
Cattle Production
Hello, All! I've recently inherited a modest size herd of mixed cattle (Black Angus heavy) from my late father, and I'm trying to "tame them down." There are several who will come to eat treats from our hands and even scratch their head and neck, but there are still others who won't even come close. Are there any tips or tricks you can share that may help us out? I appreciate your help!
Cattle Production
Cattle Production
Jan 16, 2025
Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops, Forage Crops, Regenerative, Specialty Crops
I'm putting together a Low Tunnel/Floating Row Cover cost share program to be implemented by my county's SWCD as a compliment to our current High Tunnel cost share program. If that cost share were being offered in your county, what would you expect to see offered? (I don't know why the image is rotated 90°. Sorry for the vertigo.)
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
+ 4
Jan 13, 2025
Aerators, AGvisorPRO, Aquatic Health / Disease, Beekeeping, Business Development, Cages, Carbon, Cattle Production, Commodity Marketing, Crop Handling Equipment, Crop Protection, Dairy Pr...
Hey folks, Rob here reminding you that AGvisorPRO ‘s mission is to connect Agriculture to its experts companies and your fellow farmers and ranchers. I hope you continue to use it and I’m wishing you all the best in 2025.
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
+ 48
Jan 11, 2025
Field Crops, Row Crops, Regenerative
Did you know you can use AGvisorPRO to connect to anyone the the No Till Community but you can use it to connect more braodly to all of the AGvisorPRO network? Meet folks from anywhere doing lots of farming stuff.
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 1
Field Crops, Row Crops
Jan 10, 2025
Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops, Forage Crops, Regenerative, Specialty Crops
Does anyone have experience planting cover crops into pasture land (primarily Bahia grass) in early fall before grass has become dormant? Is partially terminating it with Roundup a good idea?
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
+ 4
Jan 9, 2025
Crop Handling Equipment, Field Crops, Row Crops, Harvest Equipment, Sprayers, Tractors
When buying used equipment from the dealership who should do the repairs? Are you as the buyer required to pay the fixes? Or should the dealership foot the bill to get it field ready?
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Harvest Equipment
+ 3
Jan 9, 2025
Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops, Forage Crops, Regenerative, Specialty Crops
Anyone attending the Crop Production Show in Saskatoon January 14-16? if so say hi, we will be there
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
+ 4
Jan 9, 2025
Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops, Forage Crops, Regenerative, Specialty Crops
Is there anyone who needs assistance in assessing crop risks, finding a solution and getting the advice on how to obtain that solution
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
+ 4
Jan 9, 2025
Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops, Forage Crops, Regenerative, Specialty Crops
Does everyone know there is a company called Western Crop Risk Advisors Inc (WCRA) that is in the field representing the farmers best interests at claim assessment time?
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 2
Field Crops, Row Crops
Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients
+ 4
Jan 9, 2025
Field Crops, Row Crops, Regenerative
Which perennial covers are people having success with for year round ground cover in a corn soybean row crop rotation.
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 1
Field Crops, Row Crops
Jan 9, 2025
Field Crops, Row Crops, Regenerative
In Louisville for the no till conference, great place to learn new ideas/stay up to speed.
Field Crops, Row Crops
+ 1
Field Crops, Row Crops