Using Drones to Map Out and Locate Livestock on Large, Rough Terrain Pastures

Arthur, NE|Nov 17, 2022
800 acre pasture with timber and rough terrain. Can you program a drone to automatically do a grid search and maintain proper altitude? Would an IR camera work for finding cows in heavy cover?

Answers (4):
I don't know of any products get that auto search for livestock (although this seems a great idea). I do know ranchers that search for animals using a live video feed . Typically a small dose with good obstacle avoidance systems works well. You can get them with night vision.
I tried thermal imagery to detect cattle, but found in spring/ Summer months there was too much heat in the soil/background to get a good result. I see the police have one that is works to find people, so it muste be possible to do it for livestock as well
I believe it POS an just below.
800 acres is a large area for a small quadcopter.
We sell several types of units including the DJI and Autel. The hotel has a little bit more programming options but they're very very similar. If you want to do it 800 acres with one battery in a short period of time you would have to go to a fixed ring and that's where we use the eBee latest thermal camera. The disadvantage you don't have live feedback but you can map a large acreage and you can program it to follow the train someone.
You may also want to look at what certifications the drone has to where you fly for what permits you need. Every throne has its advantages and disadvantages depending on what you're highest priorities are.
Yes. Search and rescue teams use drones with IR cameras to find missing people. Should work well for your livestock application. The cost might be the limiting factor.