Optimizing Crop Yield in Super Compacted Soils with Plow Pan Layers Beyond Deep Ripping

Thorsby, AB|Oct 29, 2022
Super compacted soils with a plow pan layer about 4 inches down, not keen on deep ripping. What other options do I have? Any cropping options?

Answers (5):
Having read the replies from the others, I agree with all of their answers and would only add that if the budget allows and availability exists, gypsum can help some with tight soil. It would need to be applied in such a way that it could be lightly rained or irrigated into the soil(since the plow won't be an option). The tillage rooted options will be better short term but this amendment may continue to help long term.
Totally agree with Robert. Adding to soil OM is probably the most important aspect of soil health/management. Adds to the aggregate content and provides aeration to soil as well as promoting soil microbes and helps with mycorrhizal growth which in turn can help soil breath and maintain a living structure. This may take a few years to accomplish but it’s important to start now.
I am just going to answer this like I would answer here in the south. Maybe it can give you an idea of what to do.
Here in the south we have a few growers who will plant daikon radish to bust up the soil. We have had some success with this practice in busting up soil as they can go pretty deep if not planted in too high of a population. Just my 10 cents!! Hope you figure this out.
Add tap root crops alfalfa, canola, tillage radish, into rotation and have patience would be one way to help. Could try cover crops and improve OM, and soil structure. Absolutely do not remove and stubble or straw from the land. If you are struggling with trash in the spring then manage the straw at harvest for a more uniform spread of the stew chopper and chaff.