The Best Ripper Points for Heavy Clay Loam Soil and Dry Conditions in Southwest Minnesota

Westbrook, MN|Oct 16, 2022
What are the best ripper points? I have a case 870 ripper currently I use 7in high ware case points. I farm in Sw MN heavy clay loam soil. I am trying to loosen soil, reduce compaction, cover residue, and due to dry conditions find a point that will last. Currently tilling 8-10in deep.

Answers (4):
For breaking up soil compaction we like a small point On a brillon zone commander running 18-22 inches deep
I would recommend Yield 360 bullet ripper points. Better wear and will loosen a wider soil profile vs the standard ripper points. If you’re paying for the pass, you might as well get full value out of it!
I'm going to build on Jordan's response. In my experience, the depth of compassion layer will vary through a field depending on soil composition.
It is a good idea to try to get a sense of how deep the compaction layer is and how it varies across the field.
Amity out of Fargo North Dakota has a compaction device you pull behind a quad or a pick up, it will map out the compaction in the field as well as give you a sense of the depth of the compaction layer. Once you get this map, you can load it into your tractor and adjust your ripping depth based on the GPS location.
Just an idea, but as Jordan has said if you're going to do it you've got to do it properly.
The 360 yield center bullet points have worked very well for a few of my customers. Not something I sell but have seen.
When soil is so hard it comes sheets behind the machine it means your not going deep enough. Fracturing that soil profile cleanly is important. Almost as important as timing,.
If you're going to rip deep. Do the right job or IMO don't do it at all and plant cover crops that have deep roots to break up the compaction.
Tillage radish, sunflowers, alfalfa, clover etc.