Analyzing the Soybean Market: Futures and Basis Outlook for the Next Few Months

Onida, SD|Oct 2, 2022
Will soybean market go higher the next few months? Futures and basis outlook

Answers (2):
Thank you for your question. The seasonal tendency is for futures to drift lower at this time of the year. As futures go down, the basis may improve as buyers look to secure their needs. Futures tend to rally into January on uncertainty about the South American crop. I would be happy to discuss this in more detail. Just let me know.
Legal disclaimer: I'm not a professional grain trader but a farmer.
I'm bearish the market currently. With the USDA finding 300,000,000 bushels more beans and if South America has a great crop prices could drop; this all assumes the current world politics stays the same. If political stuff escalated prices could rise.
We've been making enough sales to pay for crop inputs we've purchased.
My best answer is to find a grain market advisor that you trust. He/she should have the best interests of your farm at heart not be just trying to talk you into a trade. Ask your banker and friends who they have seen. A grain market advisor subscription has been the best money we've spent the last three decades. We look for advisors that charge by the acre.
Questions that you need to at least think about before meeting with a potential advisor:
What are you doing now and why?
What do you like/don't like about your current marketing strategy?
What level are you sold at now and why? Not making a sale is a marketing decision.
What is your planting intentions for the upcoming year?
Where do you typically deliver your grain? Are you open to hauling somewhere else?
A good advisor will be able to help you with the answers to these questions and many more.
I'm sorry this got so long