Fall Vs. Spring Nitrogen Application: Pros and Cons

Normal, IL|Mar 11, 2022
What are the advantages and disadvantages to fall applied nitrogen compared to spring applied nitrogen?

Answers (4):
I’d be happy to discuss this with you. I am a soil scientist fertility specialist that lives in Bloomington IL
Spreading the workload, lower prices and decreased spring volume are some of the pros.
Nitrate leeching, flooded areas in spring can have big losses through de-nitrification are a couple of cons.
Adding N stabilizers in the fall can be a good idea and reduce losses.
Typically the main advantage is logistical as you don't have to handle that product in spring but the main disadvantage is increased exposure to loss through denitrication, volatilization, uptake, leaching, etc.
Advantages to fall-applied: usually cheaper per pound of N; usually have a wider application window compared to spring; usually less compaction risk compared to spring
Disadvantages to fall-applied: increased risks of nitrogen loss; decreased flexibility for crop rotation (i.e. you wouldn't want to plant soybeans or alfalfa in the spring if you had already applied N in the previous fall);