Details for Aerators, AGvisorPRO, Business Development, Cages, Carbon, Commodity Marketing, Crop Handling Equipment, Crop Protection, Developers, Drones, Farm Wellness, Farmland, Real Estate, Fertili...

Questions and Answers

Aerators, AGvisorPRO, Business Development, Cages, Carbon, Commodity Marketing, Crop Handling Equipment, Crop Protection, Developers, Drones, Farm Wellness, Farmland, Real Estate, Fertili...

Image for Aerators, AGvisorPRO, Business Development, Cages, Carbon, Commodity Marketing, Crop Handling Equipment, Crop Protection, Developers, Drones, Farm Wellness, Farmland, Real Estate, Fertili...

Abbotsford, BC|Feb 5, 2025

Hi All, I am posting this on behalf of the Lower Mainland Horticultural Improvement Association, a non profit in British Columbia in which I sit on the board of. We are in the process of writing a grant for advancing Recruitment, Retention and Upskill training in BC agriculture sector. I wanted to reach out to the Agvisor Pro network to leverage the talent on the network for two purposes; 1. Generate a list of topics that others are seeing as barriers or educational deficiencies in these three areas 2. See if any consultants, trainers or others might me interested in collaborating on the project. Such as presenting in person or online training which are already made or developing the training. Our deadline is Feb 14. Here is the link to the funding grant we are applying to with the guidelines Feel free to post questions or reach out directly for more details. Looking forward to the discussions!
Image for Aerators, AGvisorPRO, Business Development, Cages, Carbon, Commodity Marketing, Crop Handling Equipment, Crop Protection, Developers, Drones, Farm Wellness, Farmland, Real Estate, Fertili...