Details for Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops

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Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops

Image for Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops

Annaheim, SK|Feb 5, 2025

What are people seeing with the use of Humic products? What products are showing results?
Image for Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Soil, Nutrients, Field Crops, Row Crops

Answers (4):

I have used them for 3 years now. Liquid Humic with my hog manure to stabilize nitrogen, reduce smell and neutralize salts. I also add it (liquid 12%) with my nitrogen/thiosul early in the season. I will use fulvic with herbicide burn down, foliar feeding and in furrow uses. I have seen positive returns on my investment, that’s why I use them. Know the source of where they come from. Ask lots of questions. Application rates can vary greatly based off of your context and soil. I work with Singular Agronomics and have been happy. Quality product, good prices, good customer service.
Dale Anderson on AGvisorPRO

Dale Anderson

No title

Feb 05, 2025

Humics have really come alive lately This is what I know They are not all created equal Test with Future Analytics in Red Deer must have a Ph over 9 Most are black water how many times will it Dilute 1 or 2 times before it breaks Stay away from raw humalite unless you have soil Ph over 8.5 drop a bit in snow water Raw will be there for ever in clear water I make a Humic with soluble fulvic Humic and humins Its designed for floculating soil compaction high Na problem areas Works well in high and low CEC soils We stream on the ground with Boron Uan it makes a slow release form of N The high CEC holds boron in soil longer Never mix with Roundup makes it useless Define what you want it for I can help

Feb 05, 2025

I’ve been using humic on some low ph soil and have had really good results buffering that low ph and getting the plant to take the phosphorus up.
Kevin Carey on AGvisorPRO

Kevin Carey

Feb 05, 2025

Mostly snake oil with few positive uses. Seems like a catchphrase designed to market though sulfur coal waste IMO.