Growing Potatoes: How to Soften Alkaline Soil and Boost Growth and Foliage

Wallula, WA|May 14, 2023
Looking for help with alkaline soils and growing potatoes. Ground gets really tight and spuds have a hard time expanding in the hill. Plants have a hard time with row closure. Looking for better foliage growth and soften the soil up a bit

Answers (7):
I’d take a look with a crop advisor at amending the pH using bentonite sulfur. We find Columbia Basin and Idaho growers using regular applications of bentonite sulfur in potato production.
If you have time, please peruse our website for more information.
I agree with the other gentlemen in that a soil test would help to better identify potential culprits.
Soil type and cultivation practices can cause the same issues that you are describing even on the very best soil. For instance, not ripping or alleviating compaction prior to planting the spuds, as they bulk if there is a hard pan, then the bill will be the path of least resistance and blow out, as well as be subject to erosion with senescence and lead to greening.
I agree with the other experts. You need a soil test.
It is highly likely that you're working with calcareous high, pH soil's, and the idea for that would be the application of elemental sulfur, which would flocculate the soil, allowing for greater water penetration.
Additionally, it would loosen the soil.
However, this is being sad without the knowledge of your pH or buffer pH.
Sounds like you could have high Mg or even Na but without a soil test it’s impossible to help.
Will need to look at base saturation levels on soil tests for Calcium and Magnesium. Likely high Magnesium if soil gets tight. Gypsum (1 ton max/acre/year) and plenty of sulfur additions may be needed to flush the Magnesium and lower pH over time. Using AMS as a high portion of the nitrogen will be a start. Make sure Boron and other nutrients are adequate to access the Calcium.